Photo of Camp No 19 Discovery (City)

I came across this original photo in my Father’s collection. He recently passed away at the age of 99. I believe this pictures Discovery City and the adjacent Nugget Hotel. I would appreciate you sharing any other information you have about this photo. I saw a photo on the website about #19 AB  and I think this photo is more detailed, so I wanted to share it with your organization.
Best Regards
Michael Szymanski

[Discovery City, BC is now a ghost town. It was founded in 1898 with the discovery of gold in Pine Creek. For a few years it had a population of 1,000. The city had hotels such as the Pine Tree, The Nugget, The Gold House and others. When the gold was depleted, the city was vacated. By 1915 it was deserted. Its Arctic Brotherhood charter was granted in June 1905.  As of 1909 there were 182 members.]

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