Name: Bill Davis
Nickname: B.D. (a/k/a Billy)
Position: Commodore at Arms & Chief Film Reviewer
Hailing Port: Orlando, FL
First Adventure: 2012
Story: B.D. is a biological brother of A.B. Brother Donny Davis. The friendship roots of the Davis brothers to other members of the A.B. go back to the mid seventies. And for a short while at the University of Florida, Billy, Dave Farwick, Don Lake and Rick Allen were all roommates together at the infamous 641 Club house. Because of his career in the US Navy, he is the only one of our merry band of mirth makers who doesn’t live in Central Florida. Bill was a relative late comer to the tribe, but it was not for a lack of being asked. Once he finally elected to join us on the Yosemite Trip, his newbie enthusiasm injected some new life into our odd club of misfits.
Bill’s initial enthusiasm has now morphed into him taking on the more sinister role of “Enforcer” of the Code of the Brotherhood. When he’s not reviewing popular Hollywood films, B.D. spends much of his time bringing up offending brethren before the Captain’s Mast for various infractions. In some ways, his hard-line efforts to keep us on a straight & narrow have actually inspired some of us old dogs to consider going on a few more trips before we get too old for this shit.